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Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

Cosmetic dentistry makes it possible for people to address virtually any aspect of their smile that causes them to feel embarrassed or self-conscious about the appearance of their teeth. There are many different types of cosmetic dentistry available, from simple, non-invasive treatments to invasive procedures. Exactly which cosmetic dentistry treatment is right for you will depend on the changes that you wish to make to your smile. Nevertheless, some types of procedure are more popular than others, including a transformative solution called dental veneers.

​​​​​​​We understand the importance of owning a great smile and are pleased to be able to offer the benefits of a dental veneer procedure to our patients at our offices in Marietta, GA.

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What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are a simple and effective way to alter and improve the appearance of your teeth, whilst also strengthening them and making them more durable. They are tooth-colored covers that are attached to the outer face of the teeth to cover imperfections such as chips, cracks, and discoloration. Veneers are available singularly or as a total set to cover all of your teeth. Each is custom-designed specifically for each tooth, ensuring that you achieve a smile transformation that is so natural and realistic that those around you might never realize that you have had a cosmetic treatment.

Placing dental veneers is a minimally-invasive process. First, teeth must be prepared. A local anesthetic is given, and then a small amount of the natural enamel of each tooth being covered is filed down. This is done so that the veneer can fit flush to the tooth without looking abnormally thick or false. Once this has been done, your custom-designed veneers can be placed. This involves using special permanent adhesive to attach each individual veneer to each tooth. The process is painless and once complete, you will be able to start sharing your new smile and using your teeth immediately.

Imperfections covered by dental veneers

Dental veneers can be effectively used to address a variety of different cosmetic dental issues. Some of the most common reasons for choosing dental veneers include the following:

  • To cover discoloration and stains. Tooth whitening isn’t a viable option for all patients. Fortunately, veneers, which are able to be glazed in the shade of your choice, can cover staining and discoloration so that you can enjoy a bright and healthy smile.

  • To close gaps between your teeth. We aren’t all lucky enough to have perfectly aligned teeth. In fact, it is completely normal to have small gaps between the teeth. Some people dislike the way that they look, but at the same time, these gaps can become traps for bacteria and food particles, putting you at greater risk of decay. Veneers can be used to cover small spaces and create better alignment of the teeth.

  • To cover cracks and damage. Chips, cracks and uneven enamel are all fairly common cosmetic dental issues. Again, these can be covered simply and effectively using dental veneers.

  • To make teeth seem more uniform in height and thickness. Some people find that they have one or more teeth set back from the others, or that their teeth are marginally different heights. Veneers can be used to minimize any imperfections of this nature so that teeth seem more uniform in height and thickness, improving the overall look of your smile.

If you are considering dental veneers and you would like more information about any aspect of this popular cosmetic dentistry solution, please get in touch with our discreet and experienced team at our practice in Marietta, GA.

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